Monday, June 2, 2014
Well to end this year with an okay blog i really messed up doing this random project which i presented and didn't make sense at all. I think probably some student knew what i was talking about when presenting and tell them why it is needed and why does randomness affect people that think is stupidity and also retarded to do just to post and video tape it and end up on ridiculousness or homes funniest video. Also i had experience how presentation are really supposed to be presented by watching my teacher and watching videos on you tube how they move and use their hand gesture to symbolize that they are talking about this and that. Also knowing that i did okay on this project of mine I think that i could've done better if i had more computer time and more time in class to discuss about my 20% project.

Friday, May 23, 2014
BLOG #12
My weekly blog is about how I'm going to present to my classmate. Plus I have to control my movement on how I'm going to present , like with positive energy to get the students and teachers attention. puls taking random things can bring joy and laughter to everyone from new born to old senior. Just think about if you take a random picture you always end up with a face like the ones on the bottom of this paragraphs that make you laugh hard and makes every person save that picture to either put in a photo album or even post on on i.g. or facebook for they can like it and see that , taking bad timing pictures can make life very amazing and satisfied.

Thursday, May 15, 2014
BLOG #11
To add on to my blog I have to share that i havent been doing thing like im supposes to because im so foucus on getting good grades for all my classes. Plus trying to raise my grade is frustrating because I have my parent on my ass about what would i do if i dont graduate so it putting more pressure on because i have my grades good, but all of a sudden i have teachers droping my grade from either to a C+ to an F. This type of thing is making me not write on my blog or do any work because I am so busy on school I cant make it to the goals i need to complete school task because I do other class work in diffrent class that is not based on that current class. Enough of that i took this pictuer of this cool car that really fits my style because im into old school cars and back in the days stuff so I am showing these car because these typr of cars are hard to fiind and get because it all about the new school now. Even they think old school is dead, but many people around the world listen to old school music more than to to days whack raps hits.

Thursday, May 8, 2014
post 10
I had to skip blog because I had to bring all my grades up for the classes I have been failing. So when i was not on this I was looking up images through facebook and a app that is called ifunnys. This app had all the images that have like a short video and images that show funny things and saying funny quotes. Like the ones that are seen on the bottom of your screen. These images show how things can be fix on your own and show how sense of humor can be add to cars, bikes, and also how taking pictures of people on bad timing show hilarious faces and funny thing they do and make a funny quote.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Week 4 Post
week 4 I am writing this post to show that I still taking random pictures of my friends. Also I want to show that I wake up in the morning before the sun comes up and I would try to take a perfect picture but my phone has trouble focusing on the image. But to show that i know how it looks like i would provide a picture from google that almost looks familiar to the one i took when getting out of bed. This picture was perfect timing because I got up and went to see if any flooding was by the drive way to sweep it to the sewer entrance. I think this was one of my favorite random picture of all time.

Friday, February 21, 2014
Week Post 3
So far me and my partner have not got together and discuss when and what time we should meet be both of us have no plans on when to capture of people doing dumb things. we think that with out meeting just take random picture of animals, insects and people to show that not every thing in life is not a joke there is things to enjoy like the outdoors and play with people instead of playing flappy bird or what ever people play. I think that i can try to get a good view of family having fun at the park or a bald guy throwing a toy for a dog to fetch.

Week 2 Post
second post of the month of February what me and my partner we have been figuring out how to capture funny pictures of people and we either have to come up of a way to capture these people to look and snap the picture as fast as we can before they act up and say to erase it. Also i have been finding a way to make people laugh also i have been doing other work which might affect some of my blog. which i might tell what I
have been doing on the outside of school.
have been doing on the outside of school.

Thursday, February 13, 2014
Week 1 Post
To start of my blog i am going to introduce on what my partner and I going to focus it is to get random pictures and share them to this website called What I and my partner is going to take random pictures of funny people doing random things and Im going to post them on my blog for every one to see and entertain them. Also Im going to put up pictures of my friends doing retarded faces and doing funny stands.

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