To add on to my blog I have to share that i havent been doing thing like im supposes to because im so foucus on getting good grades for all my classes. Plus trying to raise my grade is frustrating because I have my parent on my ass about what would i do if i dont graduate so it putting more pressure on because i have my grades good, but all of a sudden i have teachers droping my grade from either to a C+ to an F. This type of thing is making me not write on my blog or do any work because I am so busy on school I cant make it to the goals i need to complete school task because I do other class work in diffrent class that is not based on that current class. Enough of that i took this pictuer of this cool car that really fits my style because im into old school cars and back in the days stuff so I am showing these car because these typr of cars are hard to fiind and get because it all about the new school now. Even they think old school is dead, but many people around the world listen to old school music more than to to days whack raps hits.

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